OMAHA, NE | Douglas County
Community Services


816 N 44TH ST
OMAHA, NE 68131
Douglas County

Mission Statement info

This nonprofit has not reported a mission statement.

CRA Category info
  • Community Services
Nonprofit location info
  • LMI Census Tract
Awards & Certifications info
  • This nonprofit has not received any CRA awards or certifications.
Founded info
Not reported
Total Employees info
Not reported
Total Volunteers info
Not reported
Nonprofit Classification (NTEE Code) info

B - Educational Institutions

Professional Societies & Associations

Learned societies, professional councils, and other organizations that bring together individuals or organizations with a common professional or vocational interest within the Education major group area.

IRS Activity Codes info
Not reported
Not reported
Not reported
Standard Business Classification (NAICS Code) info
Professional Organizations

CRA Alignment

CRA Category info
Community Services
Social services and other support for low- and moderate-income, homeless or at-risk individuals.
What does it mean for a nonprofit to be CRA aligned?
Each nonprofit on Community Qualifier has been reviewed by findCRA utilizing a dual evaluation process. Nonprofits are first evaluated by our proprietary algorithm, CRANIA, and then further validated by our CRA experts. When nonprofit passes both parts of this review, we create a nonprofit profile for them on Community Qualifier. From there, a nonprofit can claim their profile and add additional information including their programs & services, counties served, targeted clients and income groups and more.
Awards & Certifications info
Community Development Financial Institution info
Community Development Financial Institution Award Recipient info
New Market Tax Credit Recipient info
HUD Counseling Agency info
Low Income Housing Tax Credit Recipient info

IRS Summary


IRS Business Master File Details info

As of August 2024
Exempt Ruling Date info
Deductibility Status info
Last Tax Filing info
Organization Type info
Organization Tax Filing Status info
990 - Required to file Form 990-N - Income less than $25,000 per year
Foundation Tax Filing Status info
990-PF not required by IRS
Affiliation Classification info
Independent Organization
Basis for Foundation/Public Charity Status info
Organization which receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or the general public 170(b)(1)(A)(vi)

IRS Publication 78 Details info

As of August 2024
Verified in Publication 78 info
Deductibility Limitation info
Not reported
Organization Description info
Not reported

IRS Form 990 Returns info

Through August 2023
No IRS 990 returns are available for this nonprofit.

Nonprofit Location

Physical Address info
816 N 44TH ST
OMAHA, NE 68131
Douglas County
Area Type info
Metropolitan Statistical Area
FIPS Geocoded Address info
MSA/MD info
State info
County info
Tract info
Income Level info
Core-Based Statistical Area info
36540 - Omaha-Council Bluffs, NE-IA
Combined Statistical Area info
420 - Omaha-Council Bluffs-Fremont, NE-IA
Metropolitan Division info
Not located in an MD.
Located In info
Low- or Moderate-Income Census Tract info
Opportunity Zone info
Majority Minority Census Tract info 47.85%
FFIEC Distressed Census Tract info
FFIEC Underserved Census Tract info

Market Data

Census Tract County
0049.00 Douglas County
Total Population 4,665 582,638
Total Households 1,874 231,469
Median Family Income (Census*) $45,385 $76,083
Median Family Income (2024 FFIEC est.) $109,700 $109,700
Tract Income Percentage 51.73% N/A
Below Poverty Level 19.9% 11.0%
Unemployment Level 7.3% 3.8%
Total Housing Units 2,004 245,839
Total Owner-Occupied Units 29.4% 61.8%
Total Renter-Occupied Units 64.1% 38.2%
Total Vacant Units 6.5% 7.1%
* Census tract income based on 2020 American Community Survey data as reported in the 2024 FFIEC Census Flat File; County income based on 2022 American Community Survey data.
View more than 200 performance context data points for this county now.


Not reported
Total Voting Members
in Governing Body
Not reported
Independent Voting Members
in Governing Body
Tax Filing Signatory info
Not reported by nonprofit.
Principal Officer info
Not reported by nonprofit.
findCRA Profile Owner
Nonprofit profile has not yet been claimed
Key Policies & Documents info
Written Conflict of Interest Policy
Written Document Retention & Destruction Policy
Written Whistleblower Policy
CEO Compensation Review Process
Written Minutes of Board Meetings
Financial Statements & Reporting info
Compiled or Reviewed by an Independent Accountant
Audited by an Independent Accountant
Included in Consolidated Financial Statements
Internal Audit Committee Review
Federal Grant Audit Required
Federal Grand Audit Performed
Organization Activities info
Provides Credit Counseling
Conducts Gaming Activities
Engages in Lobbying Activities
Engages in Political Activities
Makes Grants to Individuals
Makes Grants to Organizations

Information in this section is not available as the nonprofit did not e-file their tax return. As such, the hyphens (“-“) in this section indicate that the information was not available.

PDFs of this nonprofit's tax filings are included in the IRS Summary section above, when available from the IRS.

This Nonprofit Profile was automatically created by findCRA based on data available from publicly available government and industry sources and our own research. This Nonprofit Profile is not currently maintained by, endorsed by, or affiliated with this nonprofit. Whenever possible, we utilize the most recent information available including information as made public by the Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Census Bureau, Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, and more. The format and design of this Nonprofit Profile is ©findCRA. For more information about our Nonprofit Profiles, please visit help.findcra.com.